Armor 2.0
Avatar Armor
ECAL 2022
Armor 2.0 is a design research project which looks into the representation of the digital body in video games, focusing specifically on the differences between the armor design and aesthetics of female and male identifying characters. The results from this research through design project purpose a tool and armor design which allows full customization of each individual component by modifying the material transparency, shape and size of each component of the armor.
The proposed web app ARMOR 2.0, would connect with game development software such as unity or unreal engine, as a way to mod the armor of characters in video games, thus providing a higher level of customization and freedom to explore the identity of an avatar.
Part of the research consisted in using generative AI to assess how female and male armor is understood online, these experiments surfaced polarized opinions, within gaming communities, female armor is viewed as being in general overly sexualized when compared to male armor, but, the expression of sexuality is also a form of empowerment in video games. With this, one might suggest that video games, avatar creator tools and game developers should provide a wider range of options to users which allow them to explore their sexuality and identity at their own pace rather than providing stereotypical views of how a male or female body should look like, this can be accomplished with tools that don't focus on the gender binary and rather view the digital body as a blank canvas which can navigate through masculine, feminine and non-binary identities and characteristics, as digital worlds should remains places of endless exploration; spaces which are constantly evolving and changing.